Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Little Comic Relief

Greetings, good people! I'm Jashver Kliffordsson, humble minstrel of CI land and I am most honored to be granted the tediously unceremonious privilege of composing the saga of the CI in the perilous Botanical Gardens...Nay, I jest, for this deed be not tedious, but be a most honorable quest graciously delegated to the most unworthy of the King's Servants. So bear with me and hear the story that will be sung for generations and known for ages to come. This tale begins on the morning of the 11th of June, in the year 2013.

- On the bus travelling to the Botanic Gardens -

'Twas nine of the clock on fair Tuesday morn, when our brave heroes dids't meet. Fortunately their rooms had not need lacking in peat. Down a narrow road and flight of stairs, on the bus there were no chairs. Through the jungle, step in a puddle. Split they did, fair lad and lass. Traipsed through the park seeking a tree with a crest. Much time had they to spend with God, all through Victor indeed were taught. Plenty to ponder, clothes to launder. Hold your horses, here comes the thunder.

Now dids't come the fated time, trials were held of speed and strength. Ultimate volleyball the foe did call it. All fingernails then were full of grit. Half past eleven the bell did toll. Go to lunch and eat a roll. Thai Green Curry with rice and noodles to sate our brave heroes' plea. Cross the road and bubble tea. KOI like beans, with cloth in reams. Headed back to the inn in teams.

That's all I have to say of this trip, if you want more just drop a tip. I'll always be ready just wait for a blip.

- Girl power for the "Captain of my Ship" skit -

Thereafter preparations were made for the evening's CI. Crafts to cut, Simeon to strut. We began the evening with a game of shipwreck, so the story of the captain's map was timely. Having an object lesson to relate to when teaching the children was a vital lifesaver. However, I had the most fun so far in CI this year during the skit of the prodigal son with the Italian papa.

I believe that the most important thing I'd learned this day is not to try to do as much as possible, but to pick even just a single item and do the best I can.

As its late, I bid you good even, Godspeed, and may your swords ever stay sharp.

Joshua Chew
Team Member from (England - haha) Malaysia

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