Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Being Real

Hey people! Jason Hartono here. Today is the third day of CI in Singapore. I have learned many things, and met many people from different countries in this trip. So far, this mission trip is doing fine...God is very good to us all.

The first 2 days of the trip were the hardest for me because before this trip I was very busy and many things happened. I was not prepared both physically and mentally, really tired and not feeling well. I really wanted to be home at that time. But as time goes by I started to know the others better, and enjoy my time - eating chicken rice, duck rice and plenty of babi.

In the seminar, I don't have trouble connecting and sharing with the children. But teaching is a struggle for me, because I'm teaching principles that I don't really apply in my own personal life. It's just like a theory for me, I know all the knowledge but I don't practice it. I feel like a hypocrite, teaching something I don't do. In the 4th-day-cool-down I shared what I felt with everyone in the group during cool down, then we had a group prayer for the next day, the last full day of seminar in malaysia. It was really awesome! And the next day, which is the last day, I expected it to be a long and hard day, but it turned out to be a really fast and fun day. I believe that's the power of prayer!

I'm looking forward to see what God wants to teach us here in Singapore and in Jakarta. Being God's partner in this ministry is a special privilege, seeing other's lives changed by God through our ministry is a really awesome thing to experience.

God bless you people, sweet dreams.

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